Flowing Spirits – Beyond the Binary Pink Screens

Flowing Spirits – Beyond the Binary Pink Screens

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    Five individuals make a clean sweep of the standardized, binary, easily definable identity. For several months, Romain Vennekens, photographer and director, followed them, documenting their daily lives, recording their words. FLOWING SPIRITS is a celebration, an ode to these fluid identities evolving beyond gender polarities.


    Five individuals make a clean sweep of the standardized, binary, easily definable identity. For several months, Romain Vennekens, photographer and director, followed them, documenting their daily lives, recording their words. FLOWING SPIRITS is a celebration, an ode to these fluid identities evolving beyond gender polarities.

    Van 12 tot 23 novembre 2021

    Opening op vrijdag 12 november om 19.00 uurovembre à 19h

    Open van dinsdag tot zondag van 14.00 tot 20.00 uur. Gesloten op maandag.

    Een tentoonstellingsproject door Romain Vennekens
    In samenwerking met Cinéma Galeries & PinkScreens Festival
    Met de steun van de Federatie Wallonië-Brussel & broei.lab.

    met Nina Fafchamps, Camille Pier, Jhaya Caupenne, Juriji & Ma tête est pleine d’endroits